Is it an awesome day or what? My bff will be here in just a couple of hours. YEAH! She is in Kansas City as I type this post.
Yesterday my Nolanator told his Daddy and I that his favorite word it shit. Yes, shit. Oh dear, when the school calls, I will be transferring them to James. I have a lovely potty mouth, but he is the captain.
We really didn't do much yesterday. We both worked and Nolan hung out with Grammy. Not much to report on the home front.
Today my mom calls me at work and tells me that Nolan got his Spiderman bucket stuck on his head. WTH? She took him to her building manager and she got some metal cutters. (the bucket is made of sheet metal.) They had to cut it off his head. She said he wasn't worried in the least bit. I asked her if she got a picture, but no one had a camera. Out of 100 apartments, no one had a camera? I will just use the cut up bucket for my picture to scrapbook. Oh the silly things children do. They make it exciting for us don't they?
Well, I'm off to make chicken enchiladas. Yummy! Everyone have a wonderful night!
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