Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday already?

Well folks, my weekend was very busy. On Friday we took Nolan swimming. Boy can that boy swim. He always has such a good time and wears himself out. On Saturday, we started cleaning the house. I mean, spring cleaning the house. James and I got our pantry cleaned out. Whew, that needed to be done for like, oh, since we moved in! jk....but is has been awhile. After cleaning, for like ever, we called it quits around 3 and took Nolan to Sea Dreams to pick out his fish. Well, he was so tired from not having a nap, and so overwhelmed, that he had me pick it out. So, what did Mom get him you ask? I got him a little frog and a see through fish that has a lime green stripe on his back, and no, it is not a neon. I wanted to get him the little puffer fish, so cute, but eats meat and it could bite him. I really doubt that it would, but this is his starter fish. We will wait for that one! He fell asleep in the car on the way home to drop the fish off, the off to Grandma's we went. I had to hook up her printer. (Don't ask) I got that all done, then we were off to go home, start up the grill and have us some bbq chicken baby! Yummy!
Sunday was a little bit more quit. A lot more cleaning and oh my, wait for it, are you ready, I got fresh air into the house by opening the windows. What's that you say? Open the windows? Heck yeah! It was so nice this weekend. I can't believe we had a nice day here in Kansas and it didn't get ruined by some other Kansas weather. hehehe
Today I went to work, took Nolan to the library to get some Seuss books and came home. A friend at work's mom sells Beauty Control and Caitilin and I had planned to have her Mom give us facials. OMG For those that have not used Beauty Control, you have got to try it!! I have exzema, so this is the first body was I have ever used that helps and I don't itch. It is amazing. I got to try all kinds of their products today and I so love it!! Their hand scrub,...speechless. Even my husband tried it and loved it. The moisturizer lasts at least 3 handwashes, but the scrub is amazing. Let me know if you are interested and I might have a spa party. You get to try and the awesome products, relax and no pressure sales. Her Mom, Tracy, is the such a wonderful person. I hear margarita spa party.....they have margarita products.
Well, I need to go check on the little one and I'm off to watch the KU game Rock Chalk Jayhawk baby!!

1 comment:

Michielle said...

Hiay!!! Sounds like you had a very productful and nice weekend!!! (Love that picture of you and Nolan at the top). AND, isn't it GREAT to let some fresh air into the house after our long winter??!!! WONDERFUL! (except around here, I have to really pick the day, because there is ALOT of burning off pastures)!!!! Hope the rest of your week goes well!!!